bethel Christian academy hours

The Academy school day begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 2:30 PM.

The Bethel Christian Academy provides one of the premier elementary educational opportunities in the state of South Carolina. We are one of only 3 predominantly African-American institutions accredited by the South Carolina Independent School Association (SCISA). This accreditation was awarded based on our staff, curriculum, student achievement, and programmatic excellence.

The Academy’s school day begins at 8:00 AM and ends at 2:30 PM. However, aftercare is available until 6:00 PM in our After School Program for an additional $30.00 per week, plus registration fees. We discourage late arrivals. Students must be brought to the office to receive a tardy slip for admission to class if they arrive after 8:00 AM. Parents are required to sign their children in when arriving late and to sign them out when they leave.

Early arrivals (before 6:30 AM) should go directly to the CDC cafeteria.

At the close of business, all children from the CDC, Academy, and After-school Program will be in the church offices, with the management staff, to be picked up. Late fees will be assessed to your account. If academy students are not picked up by 2:35 PM, your child will be sent to after-school and your account will be assessed a $10.00 charge for each occurrence.


At Work


Dress Code

Pants: Dark blue or navy pants ( blue jeans are not permitted)
Shirts: Whites shirts



Students are not to bring toys or video games, to school without permission from the teachers.

Meal Schedule

7:00 AM – 7:45 AM


11:30 AM – 12:00 PM

*Breakfast, Lunch, and Snack are served to all students at Bethel Learning Centers, according to the time of arrival. We serve nutritionally balanced meals that will aid healthy growth and development.


Here at Bethel, we not only teach children, we also motivate them to improve their academic skills. To reinforce this concept, regular homework will be assigned. The length of assignments varies according to grade.


The Bethel Learning Center library and the Richland County Library will be utilized for reading resources and materials.

Report Cards

Communication between parents and teachers is of the utmost importance. Interim Reports will be sent home the fifth week of the nine-week marking period. Report cards will be sent home every nine weeks.

Tests & Exams

In addition to classroom tests and quizzes, students will take the Stanford Educational Achievement Test. This standardized test is administered in the Spring and helps us to gauge students learning and achievement, as well as our program effectiveness.

Field Trips

Field trips are an important part of the curriculum. A permission slip must be completed and on file, for a student to participate. All field trips transportation will be by bus. Students are required to wear BETHEL LEARNING CENTERS T-SHIRT ON ALL FIELD TRIPS.


All children are expected to be at school each day. Academy students attendance by state law requires that grade level students must be present 180 days of the 187 days of the school calendar year. If your child must be absent please provide us with appropriate documentation.


Registration Fees

  • Academy (New Student)                      $ 250.00

  • Academy (Returning Student)            $ 225.00

  • Academy Activity Fee                           $    60.00

Activity Fee must be paid in conjunction with registration fees
(except for Infants and toddlers)

Weekly Tuition Fees

  • Academy (only)                                    $ 130.00           (slotted)

  • After School Care Academy               $ 160.00           (slotted)